Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

A Mixed Day

My daughter is doing a wonderful project for end of year exhibition in NCAD. It’s a bit controversial so I won’t give details. She is wonderfully creative and I admire her work hugely. My blip is a silicone mix she is making for moulds and that’s all I can say.

Also tomorrow I am minding a bunch of tinys. Their parents are going to a funeral. Irish funerals can last a whole day. In advance of that, I made a huge amount of pancake batter (see extra).

Pls google Martha Stewart’s Buttermilk Pancakes for a great recipe for your tinys.

So you see I have had a mixed day.

I’m not gonna lie but my house is a bit untidy but what matter! the batter is made and those tinys are so welcome

Music here

Thank Crunchie it’s Friday

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