Last of the sun through the fence

I've had a day of misbehaving house alarm. Not good at the best of times, less good when I'm at work.

I'd noticed late Thursday night a flashing light on the inside panel that means the 9volt batteries in the sensors are low. I noticed too late as they ran out today and the alarm went off.

I bike home to switch it off and then biked back to work, thus adding 1 hour more bike commuting to my day. Once home my neighbour kindly manned the alarm because when I open a sensor the system goes off because it recognises it as tampering.

Then the alarm panel registered a fault with both sensors. Hmmmm..... Initially I employed wishful thinking that it would go away. No, just the alarm went off at uncomfortable intervals.

Refusing to get upset and throw all my toys out of the pram I got my neighbour to help me and systematically problem solved each sensor. And eventually the alarm system was happy and I was too.

Just enough time left to shower and head out for dinner. Mixed feelings about that because I rapidly developed a raging sore throat this afternoon.

Somewhere in the sorting the alarm business I managed to catch the last of the suns rays on a leaf of my native Clematis on the back fence.

Lovely large

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