Sandcastle Holidays

By Sandcastle

Surprising sushi

This week has been rather crazy. Two trips over to Fife for different tourism-related reasons, a heap of work to do for Crail Food Festival, and a child off to camp "up north" where, despite it being May, we hear tales of snow and hail. Wonder how she's enjoyed sleeping in a tent in that?

And to add a frisson of danger in my life, I've got some tablets for a long-term medical issue which are making me feel simply ghastly. I shall stop taking them tomorrow despite not being able to get a doctor's appointment until next week as I can't believe the doctor meant me to feel terrible.

So, just for a little while, it was good to stop rushing and just sit, catching up with EdinburghFoody who'd invited me to meet her for lunch at Kanshai Sushi. This dish is one she's ordered before. I wish I'd read the menu to find out what its name was. It is an aubergine, scored crosswise and cooked till it is incredibly sweet and soft. You eat it with chopsticks and share. I have hardly ever cooked with eggplant or aubergine as we call them, but I can imagine taking dear daughter to try sushi as she'd love all the beauty of the food as well as the intriguing tastes.

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