Ignore photo the gang is all here

There was a hoopoe on the lawn yesterday and today. I heard and then saw the hobby returned scything through the sky like a scimitar calling that very distinctive key. Key key key call.

Then I wondered where the cuckoos were and one as if by magic started calling incessantly.

As I came out later from writing a very difficult email about very difficult things, there was a commotion in the trees.

I thought it was two cuckoos come to blows. But then there appeared out of the trees on the knoll the most incredible bright incandescent yellow of a golden Oriole streaking away and there, absolutely close, and perfect in harmonic pursuit the sparrowhawk, that so often streaks down, and through the terraces in the dim poor evening of winter. The oriole gave one cry and they disappeared through the tight packed acacias .

I went and looked to see if I could see but I could see nothing.

It is the first time I have seen the oriole here.

So many times in the summer, I have tried to whistle duets between its call and mine although never seen this most magical of birds that seems to bring the tropics with with it to our upland valley .

So it was both a thrill and sad to see this migrant probably just arrived harried out of its hidden tree and chased to God knows where by our resident knowing sparrowhawk.

The food was good later, as I recover from yet another cough and cold.

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