Desperate blip

Dave went off to Inchcolm before the sparrows had started farting and I went up to the allotment shortly afterwards. I was so relieved that he didn't take the allotment keys with him in his pocket that I forgot to take my camera with me! So no shots of seedlings, weedings or wildlife.

This book arrived a couple of days ago - it was published some years ago and although it includes a song of mine and they sought all the correct permissions etc, I never got a copy. I suppose with 1200 songs in the book they couldn't really send one to each of the composers. So I finally decided to buy it, just out of curiousity. "A Group Singing Songbook" it says on the back  - 'great for musicians, camps, teachers or for singing with family and friends'. Strange how sometimes folk from the US come over as quaintly (and rather sweetly) old-fashioned.....

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