
I went to the Sun JavaOne conference in San Francisco today. I was pleased to find that in spite of my recent geeky episode I was still thoroughly outgeeked at this event.

The event seemed like a bit of a last hurrah for Scott McNeally (founder and chairman of Sun), and this shot shows him on stage with Larry Ellison (Oracle CEO) who may well be the ringleader of this circus next year...

I found it very interesting to attend from completely non techy perspective - I don't know the Java stack well enough to attend as a techy! It was fascinating to observe the presentation skills, styles, marketing and organisation of a company putting itself on show, and reflect with all my learnings from Babson on how it all fitted together and what could be improved.

I'm exhaused now (we had a 6:15am start this morning and weren't back in the flat until 11pm) so I'm going to go to bed!

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