Red squirrel

Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . for a birthday treat

I knew that Will had planned a little trip away somewhere for my birthday today - I just didn't know where exactly.  But we woke up to such a lovely sunny day that it really was going to be a treat wherever it was.

And so it turned out to be.  A spectacular drive westwards along the Galloway coastline, to almost as far as you can go before you run out of land.  The tide was high and the wind was whipping up the white horses in the Irish Sea (see extra). We had lunch at Logan Gardens and I had a long wander through while Will did a watercolour painting.  I saw the red squirrel above helping himself to the peanuts in one of the feeders.

Then, we slowly made our way from Logan to Port Patrick where we are now ensconsed in a nice hotel for the night.  The other extra is the view of the harbour from our room . . . . . . . . . 

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