All the kit ...
... but still unable to say for certain exactly where our geothermal pipes run. "Good" geothermal installations have a wire running in the tubes so that they are readily visible! Ours doesn't. And no plan was made to record exactly where it is. And unfortunately radar is of limited effectiveness in locating tiny tubes running some 0.8 to 1 metre below the ground. We want to site some solar panels in our back garden, the ideal fixing for which would be ground screws - but these go down 1.2m, and if they should happen to catch a geothermal tube would cause huge difficulty and expense.
Alternative solutions are more expensive and less elegant, but so be it.
As "scanman" was enjoying a cup of coffee, having trundled his machine across the grass innumerable times, and having to say that he "thinks", but cannot be certain, that the geothermal tubes run through the area we want to site the solar panels, "insulation men" arrived.
In a previous life, our "workshop" was a house for dog/dogs, with a contraption in the corner which was (still) automatically refilled with water. It needed to be removed to allow the insulation installation. They, and we, had been unable to locate our stopcock (is that what it's called when you are stopping off a well rather than mains water?) so they tackled it without turning off the water. L, struggling in an inaccessible corner, (see extra) got rather wet! He made a reasonable job, but a persistent drip meant they had to summon their plumber friend to rescue the situation. After plumber friend had sorted the leak, he located our stopcock.
"Insulation men" are making a great job of putting up the insulation panels in the workshop.
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