Work... progress. Did a more digging and strimming. Put some fleece over where I sowed some peas so that the fat bastards wood pigeons can't get at them. Some stuff is starting to come up - leeks, carrots, endive and the inevitable radishes.Something that I forgot to label - it'll be a surprise! A few tatties are starting to peek through. Oh, and the broad beans I sowed in Feb seem to be thriving after the total failure of the autumn sowing.

Went up to the Beard and Cardigan  Cask and Barrel in the evening to meet up with Shandonner for a long overdue pint. D relaxed his diet sufficiently to enjoy some beer.

Edit: just found a photo in the camera that I took last night, after I'd uploaded the allotment shots. We were waiting for a bus home at Elm Row and D spotted A TRAM! Moving at 'normal' speed. No passengers, of course - still testing.

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