Sunny Walk!
A day that really
feels like Spring! Skip in my step!
But also dentist.
Day started by being a bit mithery, Ben's insulin pump needed changing and his glucose monitor had a sensor error. Nuisances. Then his bloods were high for no real, discernible reason. Pump changes can make him a bit insulin resistant for a short while but it shouldn't have had the impact it did. So school have been ringing me all day (5 times between drop off and pick up) trying to keep on top of it. I got it under control when he was home but now he's going a bit low so I'm hoping he hasn't got a sneaky stack of insulin in his body that will be dumped in his blood at an inconvenient 2am.. sigh.
Then he had the dentist. It was just a check up, very quick but he got upset that it was too quick and wouldn't leave the chair or the room. I pretty much had to drag him out and the stairs are so steep there that it was a bit hairy. Just when we were out the door and I thought I was free he started asking me if we could go through the car wash and then why not and why not and we really nearly had a big scene in the car park. Fortunately he managed to hold it together sufficiently to get home and a bounce on the trampoline seemed to regulate him a bit, so the rest of the afternoon has been OK.
I did our woods walk with Leo this morning and that was lovely. I had him on the long line but just with him dragging it behind him so he could go where he wanted. He had fun and because he knows the route so well he wasn't wandering too much. I picked up the lead when a couple of dogs went past but other than that he was under his own steam the whole way. Felt like a good step. We did a walk by the brook at lunch with Mr KCNQ2Haiku too and that was nice.
Hayfever is not so fun though :-/
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