Strike that. Reverse it!



RIP James Ferguson Hart

He's Just a Prayer Away
No matter what your troubles are
No difference large or small,
Each upset that may come your way
Each time you slightly fall,
The smallest fear you've ever had
is always known by God,
Each step you've walked He's counted,
On every road you've trod.
So never feel that you're alone
when shadows cloud your day
But speak his name and you will see,
He's just a prayer away.

Today it was Uncle Jimmy's funeral. I wouldn't normally choose this type of photo but Uncle Jimmys sons and Grandsons did him proud. They are dressed in the family Ferguson tartan just in case you were wondering. :)

Apologies for the last couple of days blips, just timing. Hopefully tomorrow will be a lovely day and a great blip as a result.

Have a lovely Friday evening. xxx

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