Normal service ... finally resumed.

Apologies for being away so long (though I doubt I've been much missed).

We have been without internet access for some time; it was frustratingly intermittent for a bit and then nowt.

The engineer fella came out, he sucked his teeth, he shook his head and then finally admitted he was unable to fix the fault as it lay up the telegraph pole and "a man with a hoist is needed for that".

So, back on the premium phone line to book a 'man with hoist' who is qualified to climb telegraph poles (I'm boring myself now). Sufffice to say, the junction box, or whatever, had had it, was defunct, no more - not really surprising - it had been thre since the 1950's - yes, you heard right, the 1950's - amazing it lasted so long really.

Anyhow, it may take me some time to back blip the past three weeks or so, please bear with - I've missed al your journals and am really looking forward to catching up.

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