Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Horrible weather today. Hammering down at 08.35 so Carys went straight into school and then W and I sat in the car for a while waiting for pre-school to open. William deposited I went to get my hair cut which was interrupted by a fire alarm! Always wanted to go out in the pouring rain with a towel on my head!

Handed by portfolio in today at supervision to be marked by the second assessor. Nearly, nearly a probationary breastfeeding network supporter. Picked up this tiger from preschool, they rang me to check I was happy to have his face painted which I thought was good of them.

Met up with R, G and E at Space2play so the girls could exchange gifts and have a good play. It resulted in two very tired children and a fairly difficult bedtime, but never mind. W is still cough, cough, coughing. Doesn't bode well for a few days camping in the rainfresh air!

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