love is a verb

By loveeveryminute

Good to be home!

Punkin and Bella were prouder than we were! :-) I went and picked them up this morning. She is relaxing!
Johnny started mowing his yards today. A friend went with me to get the pets. I was glad she went. When we are with kids, I tend to forget my age. We went to an indoor rec area and I ran around like a kid. I went down the big slide twice. Logan loved it! However, I landed in such a way to bruise my low back and … eh… tail bone. :—) The problem is getting up and down. Yesterdays plane trips were not pleasant to say the least. I moved like the old woman I am and I don’t Like it! Ha! Oh well. I’m moving a little better today. And yes. I’ll probably do it again.
Be blessed!

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