The search for coffee

Who would have thought! We got great coffee down at the old Annan Harbour.

How we ended up there was by way of Gretna Green (don’t ask! So very, very bad it was kind of good), Devil’s Porridge Museum (cafe closed so we didn’t visit the museum), a search along Annan Main Street for a nice cafe (hopeless) and then we headed down to the harbour . . . and Gordon spotted a coffee van - great coffee and good chat. A real find. And Greg had bought Tunnock’s Milk Chocolate Teacakes at Gretna - delicious!

The harbour was once an important port on the Solway, a centre for shipbuilding, commerce and fishing. Very run down now, there are exciting plans for redevelopment and regeneration.

A walk by the sea at lovely Powfoot (see extra) and then onto Longtown and Hidden River Cafe, in the middle of nowhere, and another excellent meal. (This was the only bit of the day that had been pre-planned, the rest sort of just happened!)

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