
It’s a Sarpo Una.
After a lazy morning, when the most strenuous activity was getting a loaf going, I headed up to the allotment. Strimmed the grass, or rather tried to because it was a bit too wet and the battery’s a bit too old so only about half is strimmed. I’ll wait for a couple of more drying days before finishing it off.
Then got the second earlies and the first maincrop spuds planted. Tried a different method this year that involved less heavy digging so I’m not expecting ‘digger’s elbow’ tomorrow! Still have to plant the Pink Fir Apples but they need to chit for another week or so and quite I’m happy to wait as I lift them really late in the year anyway. Here’s hoping for good growing weather.
The first strawberry flowers have appeared, always nice to see, and the older blueberry bushes are heavily budded. Even the raspberry canes are looking healthy-ish, so fingers crossed.

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