
We have a pear tree which we bought for a fiver 4 years ago to the day https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2564829777328343800 . It came at such a cheap price because the garden centre had lost its label and couldn't say what it was. It was covered in blossom when we got it and went on to produce much more than £5 worth of Conference pears that year. Sadly it hasn't produced any fruit since, even though it has blossomed each year. Conference pear trees are supposed to be self pollinators but this one would prefer a companion I think. We guess the blossom it had when we purchased it had already been pollinated by the other fruit trees in the garden centre. Going back to the garden centre this year we found that a companion tree was going to cost nearly 10 times what we paid for our little anonymous tree. However I have a plan. There are 3 wild pear trees out by the Relief Channel. The fruit from them is really bitter and seems to rot quickly, fine for the wildlife to feast on, but I am hoping to collect the pollen from them and attempt to pollinate our little Conference pear. Is this a mad idea? Wish me luck!

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