Our Bath Gremlin says..
"this water is disgusting!
Please throw me away!"
So I know this is a horrid blip(!) but the face in the dirty bubbles was so funny! It was bath day for Leo, he ran through too many muddy puddles on our walk and at one point Ben had the lead and didn't notice Leo had stopped, this led to Ben pulling Leo along on his back through a really muddy situation. Just for a second.. but the damage was done! The bath water afterwards confirmed we had made the right decision!
It's been a normal Sunday here, a bit low key as the boys are back two school tomorrow and Mr KCNQ2Haiku is back to work after 10 days off. Ben has been OK, he's a bit tired. Leo stole a cardboard middle to some parcel tape and had been chasing around the garden with it.. that's about the pinnacle of news today I think!
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