April 15

What a day!
The day started out with a sunrise shoot on Citadel Hill, organized by the local camera club. From there I went down to the waterfront to get a few photos. It's nice down there at 7 am on a Saturday morning, there are no people around. The photo from the waterfront is the tidal clock, a new installation last summer.
On my way out of the city I stopped at one of the Tim Hortons to get a bagel. I left the house this morning without having any breakfast. I decided to spend the day in the valley. Miners Marsh was my first stop there. A lovely morning to walk there, enjoy the wildlife, including this turtle that was sunning itself. There were several others there with cameras, everyone is friendly there.
 The garden centers are starting to open. I stopped at 2 of them, only spent money at one though. I bought some pansies. One of the farm markets that has a greenhouse section just got a truckload of houseplants in this week, so that was on my list of places to stop too. I did add a couple more houseplants to my collection. 
My last stop was at the Landscape of Grand Pre park. I arrived home at 2:30 pm, having left the house at 6 am. 
It was sunny and 17 C when I was in the valley, a few degrees cooler here in Dartmouth when I returned.
My neighbor rang my doorbell tonight. She had just came home and saw 3 deer near my truck. Her driveway is beside mine, but her house is several hundred feet back from the road. She sees deer all the time back there, but has never seen them here. One day as I pulled in the driveway I did see a deer run thru their yard. I never saw any damage from the deer when I was working on the gardens here last summer. I hope that they don't decide to make my place a regular stop.

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