Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Plants from a friend

My hiking friend Phyllis texted me earlier in the week that she had rooted a peanut butter tree ( clerodendrum) as she knew I wanted one from a previous conversation we had when hiking. A long time ago! The leaves smell like peanut butter and when it blooms the bees and butterflies love it.

So I drove to her house today to get them and as we walked around her flower bed she mentioned that she needed to get rid of a lavender plant that was in her iris bed. She had another bed with about 20 lavender plants but this one was in a different bed. So it ended up coming home with me. You can see how big it is. Behind it are the two peanut butter plants.

Brett rode with me so we could get some lunch as Phyllis lives about 20 minutes from his house. We went to a little pizza restaurant that Phyllis said was good and got some food. While we were eating a man came in to the restaurant and ordered a small pizza and unknown to us paid for our meal as well as two other couples eating. When our waiter came over to check on us we asked for our check and to go boxes and he told us what had happened!

There are so many good people in the world!

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