Misteri di Trapani

Today I witnessed the first part of the Misteri di Trapani - a procession through the streets of Trapani in Sicily commemorating the Passion of Christ.  The procession consists of 20 floats, each with statues illustrating different scenes within the Passion.  The statues are mounted on platforms and decorated with flowers, candles and electric lights. The platforms, which can way up to a ton, are lifted and carried through the town by teams of (mainly) men.

The procession starts at 2pm on Easter Friday, and each float is preceded by a costumed parade of (mainly) girls and followed by a brass band playing funeral music.  In total, 20 parades, 20 floats and 20 brass bands. They make their way slowly around the town, all walking in unison, rocking gently from side to side in time to the music. The procession lasts a full 24 hours and so will not return to its starting point,  the Church Anime Sante del Purgatorio, until tomorrow afternoon.

It is an extraordinary sight and quite moving, even for non-believers.

We were given permission to use the balcony of the town hall, which gave a splendid view along the long straight avenue of the procession as it approached.

This is back blipped because the intensity of our activities over several days allowed no time for editing and posting images and then I had no internet access for a couple of days.

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