From Day to Day....

By GuernseyGirl

Mixed Day!!

The day started with glorious sunshine so we worked in the garden. We managed to achieve a fair bit! We had lunch then back outside to do more gardening. At one stage we were both working on the same bit of garden. All was great till I stepped backwards onto hubbies foot and lost my balance! I hit the middle of my back on the brick edge of the wall (marked in red). I really hurt myself and felt awful. We decided to go to A&E and it was the right thing as I have a hairline fracture in part of my spine. Thankfully nothing serious but very painful. I grazed my back too. Now on strong painkillers and I’ll be fine! May be painful for a few weeks! Our hospital is amazing … lovely dr in A&E and staff, X-ray within a few minutes and home an hour later. The bottom photo is our hospital. What a waste of an afternoon!

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