All things me

By KatiePie

Urban vermin

Or what passes for them around here!

It certainly livened up our morning when I went to park the car in town so we could walk down to school and we found 4 peacocks rummaging around the bins behind the shops.

It's been a busy day. I walked the dog in arctic winds again, it's just manky isn't it??
This morning I moved Little's very heavy wardrobe and not so heavy desk across her bedroom before realising my grand plan wouldn't work and having to move them back again. Harrumph.
Need to find another way to get rid of the spare bed so that I can make that room mine all mine...
This afternoon the school had a fundraising fair thing they hold every year for a child in India.
The KS2 kids have their own stalls on the playing field and the rest of the school wanders round with their parents paying to have goes on things. Good grief it was cold and wet and windy and hard work!! I hope they made some money out of it!
I'm still trying to thaw us out a couple of goes later. To think a few years ago I gave myself sunstroke at the same event!!

Looking forward to a curry and chill out with Mr KP this evening. Assuming he leaves the work in work for tonight. Have a sneaking suspicion he might not.

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