
Woke up this morning and packed my stuff*, and then went down for breakfast. After breakfast we walked to the station and my colleague caught his train home and I had an hour to fill before my train, so I went for a walk and took this picture.

It's the third time I blipped the tower, but today was the greyest.

The train was okay all the way home and I had no problem with my connection at Rennes, and made it home to Saint-Malo without any problem.

I then did a few hours of catch up work until I crashed out for the day.

* I also discovered that I had left the charger for my new work laptop in the hotel, which is annoying though not catastrophic. It's my fault so I'll have to pay for the postage to get it back - I can't expense something when it's my own fault...!

As this is a back blip, they found it and did post it back, but €20 seemed a bit steep until I checked online for the price for a genuine Dell power brick at nearly €60, so not a disaster...!

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