Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

First to bed

Daisy has various routines and sticks to them on most days.

She likes to lie on a fleece in the conservatory in the early evening, then moves to the linen basket next to the radiator in Mum's bathroom.

By the time I am ready for bed, she has been settled on my duvet for a good hour or more. She is understandably disgruntled when I have to move her in order to get into bed myself, but soon returns to snuggle up.

I have not been out today. I decided not to walk because of the awful forecast and I was anxious about falling in the mud.

I worked hard in the study but have little to show for it!

Then disaster struck. Mum was eating her evening meal and I carried mine on a tray from the kitchen to lounge. I caught my left foot on a chair leg (why do I have spare dining chairs on the upstairs landing??) and my toes parted and stuck.

I saw the tray and the bowl of bean casserole in tomato and pepper sauce, served on a bed of Basmati rice, sail ahead of me and land on the carpet. The ten second rule could not apply.

I'm hoping I have not broken a bone. Ice and elevation were applied with some success. Analgesia is required for bed.

Time for bed said..........Daisy!

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