Botanical canine
Down in the woods today counting early purple orchids...
I stopped at 20, relieved that the colony was still there despite invasions by sheep. The magenta flower spikes of Orchis mascula are priapic enough among the ferns and foliage and the twin tubers below ground strongly resemble a pair of testicles, but if you examine the inflorescence close up (see blipfolio image) the projecting flower spurs also suggest rampant virility. Or, to my mind, the koteca or penis sheaths traditionally worn by men from Irian Jaya (Papua New Guinea). The gourds attached to that portion of their anatomy, as can be seen in this image, create an effect resembling this very macho orchid's.
Also in my picture are bluebells and red campion. Casey is nibbling some grass.
Have a look at this very informative piece on orchids in LoJardinier's plant blog, The Entangled Bank.
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