Processionary caterpillars
It is at this time of the year that you need to be particularly careful when walking under pine trees as the processionary caterpillars can fall out of the tree and lodge in your hair or neck. They are particularly dangerous for animals. When humans come into contact with these hairs, they can cause reactions ranging from mild inflammation and irritation to severe anaphylactic shock. If the hairs contact your skin a rash soon forms which can be incredibly itchy, painful and lasts for as much as three weeks. The worst problems occur if you make contact with the caterpillar directly and ingest the hairs. If you get any reaction from contact with these insects medical advice should be sought. A friend of mine tells me that when he was are young lad he would move the lead caterpillar with a stick and encourage it to meet the tail end of the last caterpillar and then watch the procession go round and round in circles!
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