réveillé comme ça
Strava Day 675- Indoor Yoga
It's "Tiny Tuesday" however am going with #ChoosedaysWithSofie just because.
Even if I targeted to finish Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman last month, am only still in page 175. There are some interesting parts of it and there are definitely pages wherein he talks about heuristic , statistics plus some concepts which am finding difficult to grasp.
Remembering a chat conversation with a friend wherein she mentioned that my selfies have decreased. Replied with laughter. Told her that I still have a ton which I just did not share/post.
Title is French for "woke up like this."
P: Should I use je m'appelle Sofie or the French for "woke up like this"?
T: Go with réveillé comme ça
T: Am about to memorize (Sia's) Unstoppable because I kept listening to it.
P: What's the title of the song you're singing in the shower? The one by Taylor Swift?
T: I don't know.
B: Anti-Hero
T: I thought Taylor Swift was a boy!
Have a good one!
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