Easter Monday Walk

Our weather app lied again. It said it was going to rain and it didn't. In fact this afternoon was really nice so off we went on a big long walk.

First we went through the Hermitage. That's one of my favourite places and today I did lots of splish, splash, sploshing in the burn. Then we walked through Inch Park and I kept finding things to eat that people had dropped on the grass, which meant I had to do my speediest running to catch up with Ann. Next we walked through the woods near Craigmillar Castle where there were lots of pesky little squirrels that needed chasing. After that we walked along the paths at the back of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary (where we've never walked before) and then I got clipped back onto my lead and we walked to the no. 11 bus terminus at Gilmerton. As luck would have it, the bus was there so we jumped on it and came home.

We walked 6.42 miles this afternoon so even though I didn't eat my breakfast and my dinner is out for me; I'm having a snooze.

Oh and just because Ann likes to use my BLIP as a diary of her life.............. This morning when she was in the shower, she happened to look at the ceiling and noticed a long thin damp patch........... (See extras). Obviously this made her go into panic mode because we are heading down to Cornwall for three months at the weekend and the last thing we need is the ceiling falling in because of a water leakage. Long story short...................... she texted her upstairs neighbour who immediately came down to have a look, but doesn't think she's got anything leaking. And also as we had a false ceiling put into our bathroom (so that LED lights could be put in); any water from the flat above would have to first go through a very thick stone floor to get to our false ceiling. Very weird?!
What is even stranger..................Upstairs neighbours, friend, borrowed a damp meter which isn't registering any damp on the 'damp patch' but did give a high reading on the walls???? Ann is going to monitor it for the next few days and see if it gets any worse.
TBH it could have been there for years because who actually looks at the ceiling when they go to the loo? BUT, now that she's seen it, she is constantly seeing it.

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