This picture makes Claire and I......
....very happy.
We are chuffed how easily Orla has given up her dummy/pacifier/NuNu (she would very rarely fall asleep like this without it).
With the long haul flight we had last month we didn't want to take it off her before that, so we decided she should give it to the Easter Bunny.
She was only having it at night up until Friday when she gave it up for good. We were testing her Friday just incase it was a nightmare as she was having a sleepover on Saturday with Grandma (the last night before Easter Sunday). After ten minutes of trying to break us into giving it her she was asleep and slept so well throughtout the night.
This is such a relief because Claire and I were convinced she would be a nightmare over it.
Three nights in and she's still happy without it dare I say.
The other bonus to her not having the dummy is she will actually fall asleep now when she's tired like on the drive home in the afternoon back from my mom and dads. She hasn't napped in the day for months and sometimes it makes her really grumpy before dinner.
After last night I really need to go out on the bike to clear the head and I did just that. A cracking 25 mile off road ride in quite urban settings was a nice change. I left my phone at home accidentally so couldn't capture any of the interesting sights I saw riding through some pretty rundown areas.
Later on in the evening the Price's and I went over to Birmingham to celebrate Claire's cousin getting engaged.
What a busy but most excellent long weekend it has been so far.
Mr Bo Hingles
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