Easter Day…

We’ve had a very happy day with three of our wonderful Community Lunch friends and Big Sis! My extra. Mavis was also with us. The lamb joint was delicious. A real treat and we’d managed to roast it to perfection!

At our service this morning, we celebrated Jesus’ resurrection but were also reminded that some came to that day with or after much doubt, cynicism, disappointment, scepticism and pain. Some had previously followed Jesus and had turned their back on him because they felt he’d let them down. It took a long time before they could rejoice or believe in the resurrection.

The angel at the open tomb appreciated their scepticism and disbelief and gently encouraged them to look at the evidence; the tomb was empty.

(Matthew’s gospel)

The news from Jerusalem is terrible and the pain of the family bereaved of those young girls is heartbreaking. Their faith and trust in God is such an example to me/ us all.

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