
…he’s alive

he’s risen

from the grave

yesterday i mentioned - how the women - prepared spices and ointments - for jesus’ body - before sabbath and now - they were bringing - them to the tomb - for him not expecting - the surprise which greeted them - even though they’d been told - what to expect

‘… but the men said to them, ‘why do you look for the living among the dead? he is not here; he has risen!’ luke 24:5b-6a (niv)

what joyous words - albeit scary ones - and they are - just as joyous now - hallelujah - christ has risen - overcoming death and sealing - salvation for christ followers everywhere

eternal life has been - bought now for - you because he loved - you soooo much - he couldn’t bare to - be apart from you - do you know him - now is the time - to grab onto hope in him - and make this..


happy day…..

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