Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Happy Easter everyone, I hope the egg shortage has not extended to the chocolate variety in your area. I am very content with a Lindt egg complete with large bunny. I'm delighted to advise that its ears are still intact unlike the one on my Easter card from my cheeky little sister, (extra).
As I woke at 8 after a very poor nights sleep, I realised that the older children's family had just taken off for Geneva and a weeks skiing in France. By the time I was ready to leave for for church they had already landed, air travel is an extraordinary thing to get your head around at times. Yesterday they were here having an Easter Egg hunt. Thank you for all the lovely comments btw. The hats were self decorated, their other grandma had sent them an Easter Bonnet decorating kit!
We had a good congregation this morning well over 40 and some good hymns to sing too.
I noticed that I have what looks like an ulcer/sore appearing on the edge of my lower eyelid. I don't think it's a stye but I went down to Boots to pick up some gel drops in case it gets uncomfortable.I don't imagine it's anything significant.
A & S are having some work done, so Pickle has been here for the last couple of weeks. She has become very attached to Josie's buggy. Josie for her part gets very excited when she sees Pickle here, Cleo is less impressed.
I'm heading for an early night tonight, fingers crossed I'll sleep better. I'm sure I will, as I shall take steps to ensure it.

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