Tulips for Easter

We had a little watery sunshine this morning so I'm glad I took these pretty tulips in the garden before it clouded over in the afternoon and got a bit chilly.  We then had a lovely, very late lunch at 4.30pm - roast lamb, roast spuds and parsnips, and creamed leeks.  Our two Lindt bunnies are lurking in the larder so I'm sure they will be consumed later on once we have a bit of room!

Sadly a bad start to thd day however when someone drove straight across a Stop sign into our lovely 'new' Berlingo. Mr Sk was driving up to Northleach church to serve at the 8.00 o'clock service and - Bang!  The man said "I looked but I didn't see you"!  I don't suppose he was expecting any other cars out and about at 7.30am but that's not the point!  Anyway, he has admitted fault and our insurance are onto it already.  But we'll have to leave the car for a few days (?) and get a courtesy car while they repair the front bumper and and sort out the headlight.  Quite a shock for poor Mr Sk even at such slow speeds.  However our 10.30am Easter Day service was really lovely and there must have been over 130 people there!  Happy Easter.

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