Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Precious yarn

Today's been a quiet day. I've been taking it easy and doing some knitting, some reading and some work on the last assignment for a course.
I'm knitting a cardigan for myself in this yarn. I've got it from my fathers cousins daughter after her mouther had passed and originally planned to knit a cardigan for my mother, since green is my mothers favorite colour. But my mother has sensitive skin and every yarn with the slightest trace of wool itches so she declined and I'm knitting for myself instead. It's a lovely yarn! It's soft and has a lovely colour and I'm going to wear my cardigan on Midsummers eve. :)
My fathers cousin was a lovely person and that's why this yarn is so precious. She's really missed by us all and I'm so thankful to her daughter that I got this yarn, and some more, to make something out of. :) The photo doesn't do it justice.

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