
By KCNQ2Haiku

Easter Saturday

Tried to meet up with
family, lots of traffic.
But tip was quiet.

Lovely sunny day again, I didn't sleep well though, his bloods were low in the night so I was messing about with juice etc.  Plus I'm hayfevery which is annoying.  I tried to meet family at Lyme Park but we had to abort as the traffic was so bad and my mum was in the queue texting me saying the wait for the car park was horrendous.  We turned around and came back to a more boring local park and had a quick picnic.  Ben was good with the change of plans but not great with walking the dog or the picnic.  He is so food focused and hates it when the food portion of a trip is finished.  He got in the car at the end whilst I was saying goodbye and he was beeping the horn and then took the handbrake off so the car was moving.  It's quite stressful.  He's been enjoying the new trampoline though, we also packed the car up with all the old bits of trampoline and I went to the tip.  I thought it would be busy so I waited until after 6pm, hoping for the best and it was really quiet.  That was a win.  
Photo is Leo in the garden, he loves this weather but he's not liking all the noises that come from other gardens now that people are out in the better weather.  There's some children who have been playing nearby that he has barked at a bit but today he's accepted it more into his normal background noise.  They were chattering away whilst I took this photo so I thought that was a step forward!

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