A good Good Friday

Wonderful wonderful to have the Bulliblip family here! Much excitement from the kids to wake up together.
A morning wander around the Port and froyo on the steps. Then Susanna came over as she'll be having our place as a base for the next day or 2.

We packed up and headed to the house we'll be in this weekend. It. Is. Amazing!! The kids were in the pool pretty much immediately.
Later on Süz and I headed into town for the Good Friday parade, leaving the men and kids. I totally loved Süz meeting people like James and Claire, and others. Worlds colliding.
The procession was wonderful and impactful, and a rooftop bar drink with James and Susanna was also wonderful.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The kids bonding well immediately.
2) Worlds colliding.
3) Late night chats with Süz, Ant & Danny.

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