Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Spring Sunshine

Up for shopping delivery at 8am- hubby had already been out for a three quarter of an hour cycle (and I’m still in bed).

Traditional Hot Cross buns for breakfast (with jam on), although have been having HCBs for many weeks now!

Trip to the garden centre, purchased some plants for the pits at the front of the house. Grabbed a frappachino on the way back and home for lunch.

This afternoon, we popped to the supermarket for fresh veg and pudding for Sunday - family gathering.

Flowers planted and hubby mowed the front lawn - must be spring!

Glorious day - 19 degrees in the conservatory, 16 degrees sitting out in the garden - dogs love lying in the sunshine. What a good start to the Easter weekend.

Have a lovely Easter everyone.


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