Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

No rain yet

The drought continues. There are now water restrictions throughout the department and some villages are being supplied with bottled water. It is nice to be able to enjoy the warm sunshine but the situation is getting serious with little melt water to come off Canigou and the prospect of summer forest fires. I made my weekly phone call to the liquidator's secretary but there is still no news. I cannot recover the material for my veranda but the secretary discreetly advised me to write to the president of the council that regulates liquidators and ask him to intervene. I should have received a response within a month but I have had no reply to my emails or recorded delivery letter since I first made contact with the Commissaire Judiciaire at the end of January. I had to compose a letter hurriedly and get it in the post as the materials may be deteriorating just being stored in the contractor's garden. Ultimately I may have to engage an avocat to take another avocat to a tribunal. That seems ridiculous and very unprofessional.
It was good to be able to play tennis in the sunshine with friends who are over from the UK. They tell me they have not been able to play at all outside yet to the cold and the rain.

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