Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Nice day for a picnic!

Especially if you are a ladybird! Looks like a good year for aphids. I was very happy to see the ladybird but I still did a fair bit of squishing. The ants farm the aphids, the aphids secrete sweetness and the ladybirds eat the aphids, all very natural, but I'm still going to squish aphids. I'd need several lovelinesses of ladybirds to keep on top of them all.
A beautiful day today, I've been busy clearing up the garden to make it safe to let 3 children loose in tomorrow for an Easter egg hunt. The older girls won't be available on Sunday so we're doing it a day early.
My blip is also early today. I'll be at church this afternoon for our Good Friday service, the second of the Triduum (three days) for me. There is another service tomorrow, which merges into the Easter Vigil, the watching by the tomb, followed by the Easter early morning service celebrating the resurrection, but I won't make tomorrow. Still two out of three is a fair attempt!
Colin has gone up to his mum's today, so as well as clearing the garden I have plans for some sorting in the house too. If the weather is this good though that won't be happening.

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