JIngling Lane chippy

Shortly after we moved into Underley Home Farmhouse in 1992, my brother came to visit, and I took him into Kirkby Lonsdale to buy fish and chips. It was a quarter past eight, but the chippy was already closed. To this day it makes me smile to remember his indignant outrage. (Our subsequent attempt wasn't much better; they'd run out of chips!)

But over the last thirty years, I've been there many times, and it is, apart from its opening hours, an archetypal British chippy.

Earlier this week, though, the Minx sent me a screenshot from Facebook, saying that it was closing today.

So, after breakfast in Reeth and a stunning drive home*, I arrived home to do a bit of work and then in the early afternoon, I walked down to Jingling Lane.

There was no one else in the chip shop, so I took a seat in the little restaurant area at the rear, and sat down for a delightful meal, made all the more mindful by a lack of phone signal.

*I couldn't appreciate the views, yesterday, partly because I was running late but mainly because of the heavy mist!

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