
Racing to an appointment I noted that this, already quite jazzed up, bar has added a corona of giant blooms to its doorway.  I think places do this so people instagram themselves outside.  Just as I turned to take a photo man with flamboyant poodle walked past and I got a double ‘gramma.  

Decided to cut self some slack and go up on a later train this morning as I suspected that the office would be empty.  I had a good meeting with someone high up in the wider organisation who is the overall Drama head and it was good to chew over current company thinking.  Then met up with a headhunter who I touch base with quite frequently.   We met in her private club which was where I was heading in the picture and she’d brought her little dog.  He disgraced himself by wee’ing over the coat of a man at a next door table.   When the man returned we had to explain and luckily he was very good about it.  Nice coat.  The only rationale was that there was another bigger dog in the cafe/bar space so Teddy was showing off. 

Had hair done on the way home which was up cheering.  

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