Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

tea time

I love omelette days. Todays was pepper, onion, ham and cheese. Rhona ate more than her share followed by cherries and watermelon. Euan ate his after I picked out the visible bits of pepper out and ate his cherries and watermelon.

Went to bookbug this morning. Think that it has been the same songs everytime we have been, maybe even the same order! The kids both love it though and rhona was wandering across the mat trying to steal a dummy from an unsuspecting baby! She has a fascination with them and stares at the babys mouth and trys to grab the dummy!

Home for ham sandwiches for lunch then playgroup for Euan and home for a nap for Rhona. Had a tidy up and sat and watched some tv with my knitting. After picking Euan up, stopped by the greats for a cup of tea and Rhona showed off how confident she is at walking now by walking the length of the room, stopping mid walk and changing direction. Her balance has improved loads and she can stop herself from overbalancing most of the time now and can almost squat and return to standing unsupported!

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