Jukka's Log

By jukkakos

Everything is in control...

...and order, just like those droplets which seems to be in order and just in right place waiting for me to capture this quick blip. The same I try to convince myself this week. All 4 days this week full of meetings few of them are over 4 hours long sessions, work email screams in pain, daily routines and duties waiting for some better time...or I hope time takes care of those ;-) Business trip on Friday including another 4 hour session. Few work status check meetings on coming weekend. I just love big multicultural projects, SAP, change management, timetables...But what a heck...rolling stone do not get moss and that's an excellent cure for Facebook "addiction":-)

OK...now I shut myself and start staring these droplets of this rainy day.
May The Force also be with you;-)

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