Fantastic In Flapjacks ...

...if your fancy's
for a flapjack
with a faintly floral flavour.

One of the High Street cafes has gone in for a recycling theme for their pavement table decorations.

I've been reflecting on recent blips by earthdreamer and lucia and how I feel about blipfoto:

I joined when I read about blipfoto around the time I retired and was looking to devote more time to photography, which I'd always enjoyed. My initial interest was in improving my own photography skills through the discipline of regular practice and through learning from the skills of other blippers. You've kept your part of the bargain; how far I've improved I'm not sure, but occasionally (normally when luck or the natural beauty of my surroundings kicks in) I've been pleased with the outcome.

However, I've accepted that I'm not going to have time or the wherewithal to produce something mind boggling every day and have come to enjoy posting something that reflects my day and I can look back on as a visual diary of the last 21 months or so.

What I quickly came to value most of all, though, was the pleasure of sharing in the experiences, environments, musings, wisdom and photography skills, encouragement and support of such a diverse range of people and (I like to think) the mutual, virtual friendships that our regular comments have created.

I believe that blipfoto is the richer for accommodating all these (and many more) reasons for blipping and long may it continue to do so. End of philosophical moment!

In other news, I had a change of venue for moderation, spending this morning waiting in Chris's flat for the gasman to call. Not a Monday so you're spared Flanders and Swann!

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