Time for a catch up !

And just like that 4 days have passed by without a blip entry. 

Sunday was sunny and spent in the garden plus trip over to Jess to deliver washing followed by a gorgeous walk with Bramble in Sunnyhurst woods. I felt so very blessed to have natural beauty within such easy reach , the woods lie at the end of Jessica’s road. We both have homes in areas of low cost housing and yet are within walking distance of the town centre and amenities whilst at the same time have beautiful country side literally on our doorsteps.

Monday’s big delight was a train journey through some of the magnificent valleys of the Pennines and then getting to pick Florence up from nursery. Time for some play , tea and then bedtime. Isaac and I then had an evening walk beneath a cloudless, starlit sky . We talked at length about his trek, 5 yrs ago in the Himalayas , 
The topic no doubt influenced by the sharpness of the night air. He was just getting over a bad bout of Dengue fever and so was quite fragile which coloured his retelling of the experience when he first returned home . Now , 5 years on ,he was able to recall the marvels and surprises of the trek and add colour to his descriptions the places he had visited and the people he had met . It was good to have a chance to connect amid the busy ness of his life as a dad of 2 small [ highly active ]beings . 

Tuesday started not with a bang but a slow deflate! Eric has now been moved into his own room so visitors that sleep over are now relegated to an airbed or the sofa in the sitting room . I choose the option of an airbed [ donated by us some years ago ] around 2.30 the floor and I became acquainted, it was definitely time to try out the sofa option ! 
A perky Eric arrived around 6.30 and we had a happy pleasant time exploring the contents of the toy corner. He is so close to walking , just a couple of weeks off his 1st birthday , I’m predicting that he will be walking by the time we next visit.

Florence and I had our morning playdate in the sunshine at the “Big Park, “ and as the train was running we had  a ride . As we travelled the circuit who should we see but Bramble closely followed by Grandpa who had risen early from his bed and driven over. I was abandoned in favour of the new comer! 
I have since recovered .
Lunch was eaten together and then D and I drove home while the children napped.
A journey through the Peak District on sunny day in spring brings many delights.

Today featured the weather phenomena, Mizzle. 
After a walk with Bramble in the woods we embarked on a trip to the vets and around various shops. Food has been duly procured , birthday presents purchased as well as compost , seedlings and other horticultural items. I’ve  made sorting labels too so that on Friday , which we are promised will be sunny, we can sort out all the accumulated items that are languishing forgotten under the rain catcher on our plot , in order to empty the big shed on Saturday which is also promised to be a sunny day. 

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