
By cakescakescakes

Mum! She's in my bed!

We have the muck magnet staying again. Mum is off to see my sister and look after her monsters three darling children so that a grown up weekend away can happen. If I say that my brother in law is a dairy farmer you can probably appreciate just how rare an event this will be; dog sitting is the least we can do if it helps them get some time away! Lucy, as you may notice, is not shy - or backwards in coming forwards as they say - so I turned round to see some bed sharing going on. Caley was in his bed first but obviously Lucy wasn't deterred by a little thing like that. Bruce wisely is stretched in his own bed and keeping his head down!
Our German guests in the cottage had to head home early so I took the opportunity today to get it ready for our next visitors; means we have Saturday free for family time :-) Lots of things scored off a very big to do list too; what a nice feeling.
Boys shall be home soon; better clear the desk and put my mum head on!

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