Young Squirrel

Even the little pottering that I did yesterday has proved too much, so I have spent much of today laying on the bed, accompanied by Dougal. During one of my infrequent visits to the kitchen I saw this young squirrel (only about two-thirds of the size of the others) climb down and settle on the squirrel feeder and took this picture.

Many of you have expressed your concern about my health and thank you for enquiring about it; because of this I feel that I ought to clarify things. I have an on-going auto-immune disease, which is under control, but the drugs taken to control this disease over many years, have wreaked havoc with most of the rest of my body. However, the problems caused by these drugs cannot account for most of my current symptoms, which have been under investigation for more than two years, but are still unexplained and are getting progressively worse. There are indications that the spinal cord is severely compressed in the neck, but the neuro-surgeons say that this is not the cause of the problems and it is muscular-skeletal, while the muscular-skeletal specialists say that it is neurological; progress is exceedingly slow and I will soon be unable to walk or do anything. I am even finding the effort of getting a blip every day, is taking me close to my limits, so please forgive me for not making many comments to other blippers although I do try to look at your journals.

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