Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Huddersfield A-Z: Folly Dolly Falls

The beautiful (and unusually sparse) Folly Dolly Falls near the Meltham Greenway. When the Greenway was a train-line, Victorian tourists would hop off the train and picnic near the falls. Now it is a muddy descent, but recently a viewing platform was built opposite the top of the falls. As I discovered today though, in the summer the trees obscure the view almost completely!
I think large would be good.

Not much seems to be known about who Dolly was, nor do we know what her folly was. That would have been a much more interesting story than the geological explanation that I am about to bore you with.The face of the waterfall is a massive sandstone exposure of Upper Carboniferous Huddersfield White Rock with cross bedding. The sandstone has been faulted against shales, which include a marine band in which fossils have been found in the past.

If you are still awake, here's a song.

At 5 am this morning I got up for the dog, and there was a vivid blue sky with a blinding low sun. By 7am it was another grey and featureless sky. At 9am whilst out walking the dog, it was sleeting. 4 weeks to midsummer. Good grief.

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