What a fabulous evening we had last night…full of sooo much emotion.
I met The Rev at the station and we travelled up to London. We walked to Knightsbridge and stopped at Harvey Nics for a cuppa.
#Then we went to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel for the Roux Scholarship finals.
Chef O had been cooking his year out all day with a very tricky challenge. The results were being held in the evening at a dinner and champagne reception. #Unfortunately, there was only one ticket spare so the ref went to support O whilst #I propped up the bar!!! With mortgage rated cocktails!!!
I was lucky to be sneaked in at the back for the results. Although it wasn’t O’s year, this time, it was amazing to hear Michel and Alain Roux describe Oliver as an exceptional chef and 1 of the top 6 young chefs in the UK.
I even got a hug from Sat Bains, Angela Hartnett was there, Clare Smith and Brian Turner plus many more I did not recognise!!
I went back to the bar whilst they dined!!! I had a posh cup of tea, a veggie snack and another cocktail when I was joined by one of O’s fans friends.
We left at 10ish and they all went out for a very very long night on the town.
What an achievement!
What dedication!
What an experience!

That’s my boy

The event was live streamed on YouTube under Roux Scholarship 2023[/

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